Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Jokes on a good way

So,  this morning my darling Nicholas surprised me with a trip out to breakfast, AFTER her let me sleep in!  He told me it was because he wanted to show me how much he appreciates me. But the jokes on him because it was during our breakfast that I truly realized how blessed I am to have him in my life.  Besides being my total BFF and uber hotty hubby, he is a FANTASTIC father.  His children love him SO very much, and really, there is nothing in this world I could ask for that is more important to me than that.  Frankie, even posed for some adorable photo opps at Hobees, which these days, is a miracle because whenever he sees a camera he acts as if I am the paparazzi that he is trying to escape.  I know this is all a little sappy, and although I find it incredibly important to be real about the hard stuff, I find it is equally important to be real about the good. 

Monday, April 9, 2012

A low key Easter

We enjoyed a low key Easter this year.  However, it didn't go by without some adorable pics I must say...

We got all fancy and went to church. They have a great play structure where Franklin spent a significant amount of his time. 
 See? Very excited about the whole thing

All hyped up on Easter morning candy

Gosh I love this girl

Daddy and his baby girl looking sharp! 

Those cheeks! 

With my sweetie 

When we got home there was a basket at the front  door to begin the egg hunt!
Starting to fill up his basket 
Oh and this little gem!  She is such a ham, you never would  never be able to guess that this picture was taken mid fit.  But as soon as I pulled the camera out she stopped and smiled for the photo opp and then quickly returned to her fit.  I should have gotten a picture of the fit as well so you could  believe me.

We ended the day with a failed attempt by me of a chicken pot pie and a very successful attempt by Nick of some delicious Easter bread.  Next year, I think we will go to our parents house.  This grown up stuff and doing all the work our selves is tough!  :-) 

Monday, April 2, 2012

I'll tell you about my procrastination issues later...(huh, huh, huh)

So, I suppose I have been a bit of a blog neglecter lately.  Well, the picture a week thing is definitely out the window.  It was a nice idea and all; however, it required something of me that well, just is not me: avoiding procrastination.  

We spent the last couple of weeks in Oregon, which was Franklin's birthday wish.  Since, this wish included visiting with friends and family, and my wonderful mother-in-law taking the kids each morning so I could sleep in, it was a birthday wish we were more than willing to grant. 

The first few days were snow filled, followed by copious amounts of rain, but we would not have had it any other way.  As wonderful as our time was, we sure missed our friends around the courtyard, and are glad to be basking in the sunshine once again.

Here are a few pics from Frank's birthday and our Oregon trip.  Enjoy! 

 Franklin's birthday cupcakes for his party in CA

 The birthday boy.  I can not believe he is 3!

 Spending some much needed time with my gals.  We are so hard core. 

 Elena asleep with uncle Tyler.  He was such a wonderful baby-sitter

 Franklin riding bikes at Abuela's house.  At least he is wearing a helmet right? 

 Big girl standing!

 Frankie's snow man.  We were sad to see him go. 

 She loved watching the snow

 Frank and his best bud/cousin Joshy

Playing together in the snow