I should probably just change the name of my blog to "Stop Beating Your Self Up.” As I sit down to write this entry I realize I basically write about this topic only every other time I write. That is, the topic of realizing that you as a mother, you as a person, are enough. Should we always strive to be better? Sure, of course we should. I am a huge promoter of growth, and stretching, and expanding out of your comfort zone. But do I also think it is just as important to be content, to give yourself credit for everything you are doing right now? Absolutely. Today I came across this list of the
"10 Greatest Ways to Be An Unhappy Mother". I LOVE this list. Here are the main points I received from reading this:
1. STOP COMPARING! Comparing the outside of other people's lives with the inside of yours is dangerous, and just inaccurate.
2. While having goals is important, so is being content. It would be fabulous to be one of those women who have endless amounts of energy and accomplish like 20 things before their children are even awake, but I am not. I need coffee before I am friendly, and I need to focus on one thing at a time. This is something HUGE I have learned to be ok with this year. More on that in another entry.
3. DON’T DO IT ALONE!!! I cannot stress how important this one is. I fell guilty to #8 on the list in a big way when Franklin was born. However, by the time Elena came around I got smart and got out. Ok, so I know not everyone is as lucky as I am to share a backyard with a community of parents who are living my same "spouse in graduate school" life and are available to lend a helping hand without ever even being asked. Nevertheless, for the sake of your sanity (and the sanity of your partner and children) find your community. Find a playgroup, find a friend to swap childcare with once a week, invite other parents over, go to the park with people, and just BE with other people.
It can be difficult to love and accept ourselves. Especially, when we are investing so much of our time and effort to the well being of others. However, what I am trying to learn is that unless I am nice to myself, how can I teach my children to be nice to themselves? To be confident, capable little beings? The answer is I cannot.
While cruising Pintrest for a Halloween costume for myself (yes, I still like dressing up), I ran across this picture.
How awesome is that?! I am totally going to be Rosie the Riveter! So here is my final thought. Already, as we are, we are this awesome. Mamas just by being you, you too are this bad ass.