Thursday, November 3, 2011

Day 3 of Thankfulness: Nick

Today I am thankful for my husband, Nick. At first I thought, another obvious choice right? But is it? It seems being thankful for your significant other should be obvious. However, the more I reflect on the kind of father, the kind of husband, the kind of son, the kind of brother, the kind of person my Nick is I realize how truly blessed I am. I have been sick all week. I have asthma so whenever I get even a cold it moves into my chest and I become utterly useless. I spent the last four days mostly on the couch watching Felicity re-runs on Netflix (I highly recommend this show when you are sick, the fever induced state of mind makes it all that more entertaining). Anywaaaayyyys, while lying on the couch watching teen drama re-runs may seem like a completely normal thing to do while sick (or is this just me?), this luxury usually gets lost when you have a 2 1/2 year old and 3 month old at home, especially if your significant other is in graduate school. However, Nick stepped up, took the kids to play outside for the better part of the day while I just got to be sick. The thing is this behavior is very usual for Nick. This is the kind of person he is. He wants to be helpful. He wants to be dependable. And he does these things without thinking twice. Or if he does think twice he doesn't let you know about it. He actually enjoys helping people move, and is the first one to offer to be there when someone is in a bind. And he does these things in a way that makes a person feel like they are doing him a favor by letting him help.

Today I am thankful for my Nick. Today I will get both kids ready for bed and put them to sleep myself. Usually he takes Franklin and I take Elena, but tonight I will take on the bed time responsibility while he relaxes and reads all his favorite sports blogs that I too often complain about. This may not seem like much, but as I mentioned before, with a newborn and a toddler in the house these are the small luxuries we have grown to appreciate and miss.

Today I am thankful for my Nick.

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