Sunday, December 30, 2012

Home for Christmas

A sure sign we made it home for the holidays is when the cost of a Christmas tree goes from $50 in a Whole Foods parking lot, to $5 for the one we cut down in the woods on a family-friend's farm.  I have to admit, I am starting to get a little anxious to send my kids outside to play in t-shirts on a not so cold California winters day again, but there is just something about the smell of cold, reading Christmas books by the fire, and the quiet of Oregon, this place that stole my heart 20 years ago, that makes our family feel at ease.   How lucky am I that I get to call both places home?!

Merry Christmas! 

What a goof ball

Getting ready for some serious tree climbing action

Spending most of the day chasing the baby chicks 

Frankie with his "ol' , old Chvch" (his words, not mine :-)  

Elena sitting snug with Chupi on a bumpy truck ride

Exploring the winter vegetation 

Viles sibs (Minus Carson who is probably chasing after Frank)

Making sure the tree doesn't go flying out of the truck

More baby chick watching

With Uncle Carson.  And yes ladies, he's single.  Man he's gonna kill me...

Those are some pretty darn cute chickies 

Man those cheeks just kill me!

Dede getting some Auntie loves

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Hear Her Roar!!

I have bought my daughter nearly every hair tie on the market in hopes that she would wear one for more than 30 seconds.  So, I would be lying if I told you I wouldn't absolutely love to adorn her beautiful golden tresses with head bands, heart shaped clips, and pigtails, because believe me I have TRIED.  Anyone who has spent any time with my darling daughter knows this about her.  Knows that any attempt at “doing” her hair quickly results in her aggressive search for any clip or hair tie you may have sneaked in there.  Just try sweeping her hair from her eyes and she will tousle it right back into place.  

However, can I admit that despite my many efforts to tame Elenita’s tresses, I feel a little spark of pride witnessing her determination and strong-will?  So, be free my darling daughter!  Let your hair down!  Be rebellious, question authority, and reject the status quo!  Let your messy mane be a reflection of your charming and quirky personality!  Just let me brush it every few days ok?...

Monday, November 19, 2012

Franklin's list of Thankfulness

In the spirit of the Holidays, we have been focusing a lot of attention on the subject of being thankful in our home this last week.  We checked out a ton of "thankfulness" related books from the library to help Frankie (and myself really) try to understand what it means to be thankful.  As always, my carefully planned lesson for Franklin has ended up teaching me a little something too.  

Yesterday we worked on our "Thankfulness Tree.”  We cut out a tree trunk from a paper bag and then made leaves out of our traced hands.  Then I encouraged Franklin to make a list of all the things he was thankful for so we could write them on the hand/leaves.  So, I totally thought this list was going to consist of his favorite toys, some ice cream and perhaps his Grandparents (only because they are his favorite people ever).  Boy, oh boy, did my little man far exceed my expectations!  His list was so heartfelt!  How is it that my little (but don't ever call him little to his face :-) 3 1/2 year old son could understand to appreciate the important things, when so many adults, myself included, have such a hard time pining over all the things we "need" and "want"?  My cynical self thinks it is because he has not yet been jaded by the consumerism culture we live in.  However, my more optimistic side, the side I hope is right, thinks it's perhaps, my dear son, is growing into the sensitive, kind hearted, respectful, gracious little man I know he is capable of being.  

Franklin's List of Thankfulness:

·        When Dede (his name for his sister, Elena) came out of mommy's tummy
·        When Dede wants me to play with her
·        My parents
·        My globe (his most prized possession :-) 
·        Trees growing in our backyard
·        Leaves
·        Dinosaurs that lived a long, long time ago
·        Talmage (his BFF)
·        My cousins
·        Chup (Nick’dad)
·        Chvcha (Nick’s mom)
·        Abuela
·        Grandpa
·        Plants growing in my garden
·        Aunti Rayna
·        My Uncles
·        My Tios
·        My Tias
·         Love
·        My courtyard where my friends live
·        Dede
·        When people are nice
·        For ink in my markers so I can make beautiful colors
·        My teachers

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Pumpkins, a Flying Carrot, and a Baby in a Monkey Suit

I LOVE Fall. I love the colors, I love the weather, I love the smells, I love the food, I love apple cider and pumpkin lattes, I love Halloween, and pumpkin carving, and pumpkin everything. I LOVE Fall. It has been a bit of an adjustment to love Fall here in California in the 80 degree weather the way I do in Oregon, in the rain, and cold, but I am adjusting, and learning to embrace the fact that my kids rarely even need a coat when we play outside at the end of October.

So to celebrate my favorite season of the year, please bare with me while I share a bazillion of some of my favorite Fall photos so far.  But don't worry, there will be even more when I finally upload the ones I've taken on the actual camera and not just my phone!

At Webb Ranch Farms Pumpkin Patch

Cooking with daddy

Elena has decided she only likes to eat dinner on daddy's lap, oye!  

"Flying Carrot" for the 2nd year in a row! 
Oh, and the new addition to his costume is his "Healing Arrow"  He says if he points it at someone who is sick they will feel all better!  Ahhhhh!!

My monkey and my carrot

Our attempt at a family photo...the kids were not so sure  
However, their brother-sister photos were just to die for...

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

We Can Do It!

I should probably just change the name of my blog to "Stop Beating Your Self Up.”  As I sit down to write this entry I realize I basically write about this topic only every other time I write.  That is, the topic of realizing that you as a mother, you as a person, are enough.  Should we always strive to be better?  Sure, of course we should.  I am a huge promoter of growth, and stretching, and expanding out of your comfort zone.  But do I also think it is just as important to be content, to give yourself credit for everything you are doing right now? Absolutely.  Today I came across this list of the "10 Greatest Ways to Be An Unhappy Mother".  I LOVE this list.  Here are the main points I received from reading this:

1.  STOP COMPARING!  Comparing the outside of other people's lives with the inside of yours is dangerous, and just inaccurate.  

2.  While having goals is important, so is being content.  It would be fabulous to be one of those women who have endless amounts of energy and accomplish like 20 things before their children are even awake, but I am not.  I need coffee before I am friendly, and I need to focus on one thing at a time.  This is something HUGE I have learned to be ok with this year.  More on that in another entry. 

3.  DON’T DO IT ALONE!!!  I cannot stress how important this one is.  I fell guilty to #8 on the list in a big way when Franklin was born.  However, by the time Elena came around I got smart and got out.  Ok, so I know not everyone is as lucky as I am to share a backyard with a community of parents who are living my same "spouse in graduate school" life and are available to lend a helping hand without ever even being asked.  Nevertheless, for the sake of your sanity (and the sanity of your partner and children) find your community.  Find a playgroup, find a friend to swap childcare with once a week, invite other parents over, go to the park with people, and just BE with other people.  

It can be difficult to love and accept ourselves.  Especially, when we are investing so much of our time and effort to the well being of others.  However, what I am trying to learn is that unless I am nice to myself, how can I teach my children to be nice to themselves?  To be confident, capable little beings?  The answer is I cannot.  

While cruising Pintrest for a Halloween costume for myself (yes, I still like dressing up), I ran across this picture.  

How awesome is that?!  I am totally going to be Rosie the Riveter! So here is my final thought.  Already, as we are, we are this awesome.  Mamas just by being you, you too are this bad ass.  

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Preschool! When did this whole growing up thing happen?!?!

Franklin is now in his 3rd week of preschool!  I am so proud of my little man, it has not been an easy transition, but he keeps going.  There are usually some tears,  but by the time we pick him up he has dozens of stories of caterpillars, painting, stories, songs, bunnies and even some friends.  Frank has never EVER been in any kind of childcare (excluding staying a couple of hours with neighbors or family members) so this has been huge for us all.  My sweet boy has such an observant sensitive heart, which is my favorite thing about him; it just needs a little extra gentleness and care.  I have to remember that.  To be gentle with his fragile heart.  I need to remember to embrace it.  No, I do not need him to "toughen up.”  Being tough is over rated.  Being sensitive, in tune, courageous, hopeful, observant, and expressive; now that is the kind of person that makes this world a better place.  And my dear sweet sensitive son, is in fact already doing just that.  

Getting ready to leave for the first day of school!

My sweet heart

Silly goose of a moose!

With an apprehensive mama

My two favorite guys on the planet!

Painting his "house" at school

 Working hard

 Showing off his school sign 

LOVES riding his bike to school like a big kid 

Ice cream celebration after first day of school at Rick's.  
It's no Prince Pucklers, but it does the job.

Sharing with Dede