Monday, November 19, 2012

Franklin's list of Thankfulness

In the spirit of the Holidays, we have been focusing a lot of attention on the subject of being thankful in our home this last week.  We checked out a ton of "thankfulness" related books from the library to help Frankie (and myself really) try to understand what it means to be thankful.  As always, my carefully planned lesson for Franklin has ended up teaching me a little something too.  

Yesterday we worked on our "Thankfulness Tree.”  We cut out a tree trunk from a paper bag and then made leaves out of our traced hands.  Then I encouraged Franklin to make a list of all the things he was thankful for so we could write them on the hand/leaves.  So, I totally thought this list was going to consist of his favorite toys, some ice cream and perhaps his Grandparents (only because they are his favorite people ever).  Boy, oh boy, did my little man far exceed my expectations!  His list was so heartfelt!  How is it that my little (but don't ever call him little to his face :-) 3 1/2 year old son could understand to appreciate the important things, when so many adults, myself included, have such a hard time pining over all the things we "need" and "want"?  My cynical self thinks it is because he has not yet been jaded by the consumerism culture we live in.  However, my more optimistic side, the side I hope is right, thinks it's perhaps, my dear son, is growing into the sensitive, kind hearted, respectful, gracious little man I know he is capable of being.  

Franklin's List of Thankfulness:

·        When Dede (his name for his sister, Elena) came out of mommy's tummy
·        When Dede wants me to play with her
·        My parents
·        My globe (his most prized possession :-) 
·        Trees growing in our backyard
·        Leaves
·        Dinosaurs that lived a long, long time ago
·        Talmage (his BFF)
·        My cousins
·        Chup (Nick’dad)
·        Chvcha (Nick’s mom)
·        Abuela
·        Grandpa
·        Plants growing in my garden
·        Aunti Rayna
·        My Uncles
·        My Tios
·        My Tias
·         Love
·        My courtyard where my friends live
·        Dede
·        When people are nice
·        For ink in my markers so I can make beautiful colors
·        My teachers

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing Alice. It's always nice to know that we are truly teaching our children meaningful life lessons intentionally as well as unintentionally. People don't always realize that children are watching everything we do and are listening to everything we say.
