Monday, April 8, 2013

Taking a load off

This may make me sound like a horrible mother, but I literally get giddy that moment the kids finally go to bed.  Do not get me wrong I LOVE my kids.  Like really really LOVE them.  And not just because I am "supposed" to, I like thoroughly enjoy the little people that they are, who they are, and what they are in my lives.  However, can I be honest and transparent here for a moment?  As much as I adore my little ones, by 8:00 p.m. (ok, since I am being candid, more like 7:00 p.m.)  I am ready to be "off duty.”  And I am going to go ahead and admit that I skip down the stairs a little after we have said our good-nights.  I really look forward to my couple of hours of reading/ T.V. watching/ guitar playing/ non-interrupting showering/ blogging/ mindless internet searching.  And on a really good night, actually getting to spend some time with Nick!  Oh sure I fold some laundry, pick up the days train wreck of a house and I am blessed that Nick is the official dish do-er, but other than that, I vegg.  And you know what?  I do not feel bad about it at all!  Sure, I could be doing something more productive and constructive, but at the end of the day when I weigh my options, vegging usually wins, and I am totally ok with that.  And mamas (and papas), you should be too.  Take a load off!  Read a book!  Watch your favorite teen drama!  And give yourself a little pat on the back for successfully raising a little human being another day! 

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