Saturday, August 18, 2012

WARNING: Sappy Post Ahead!

This post is a little sappy, ok a lot sappy.  But hey,  cut me some slack, I miss my hubby and our anniversary is coming up.  Nick is gone on a research trip for 3 1/2 weeks. We really miss having daddy around, and not only because I can't make him change the poopy diapers.  This situation, him being gone, is kind of funny.  I mean in one way, I can't help but feel a little confident.  Like, wow I am actually doing this, taking care of these kiddos, being without my Nicholas. I am my own person, and I am strong enough to be my own person.  However, at the exact same time I can't stop feeling and thinking about how happy I am that I get to do this, our family, my life's journey WITH Nick.  Everything, is better with him.  I am my own capable person, but he, helps make me better.  I can be a good mom on my own, but with him, I have the ability to be a great mom.  I am strong on my own, but with him, I am capable of not only surviving but thriving through the tough stuff. I want to teach my children that who they want to be and what they can do, does not need to be completely dependent on their partner, but that if they find one that supports, enriches, and helps make their journeys that much richer, than to love that person.  Respect that person.  Give to that person, in a way that reflects their love. 

I checked my myspace for the first time in like 3 years and found some great old pictures.  Here are a few gems I found of our young love :-) 

Playing with photoshop 

New York 2008


Gosh this must have been around 2002! 


We're babies! 

Furniture shopping...pre kids, when shopping didn't end in tears, for all four of us! 

Apparently we like to take pictures of our selves sharing drinks

On our honeymoon


  1. That's so sweet! You two are perfect together! I can't wait for you to be back together...and I can't wait for all of us to be back together this fall ;)

  2. those pictures are AMAZING! i love you guys and am just now realizing how much we are all going to miss you. last night we were hanging with some friends and cedar was playing with this little baby doll and was telling the little kid she was playing with " this is franklin..."
