Sunday, November 6, 2011

Day 6 of Thankfulness: Food

Today I am thankful to be able to buy enough healthy food for my family. While living on a very limited student stipend can be a financial challenge, my family has never had to go without food. And more than that we have never had to go without healthy food. We have chosen to make sacrifices in other areas of spending in our lives to be able to buy an abundant amount of fresh organic vegetables, humanely raised meats and dairy whenever possible, and even the occasional treat like ice cream and half flats of raspberries from the farmers market. I am thankful that I never have to sacrifice my family’s nutrition.

Today I am thankful to be able to buy enough healthy food for my family. When I came home from the store today and emptied my groceries onto the dining room table, I could not help but feel incredibly blessed to have so much. What I buy in one week is what many families get in an entire month. And I am not talking about in a third world country half way around the world, I mean right here, in my own town, some families are going without. Tonight instead of being stressed about making dinner while trying to keep the kids out of the kitchen, I felt blessed to be able to make dinner. I felt blessed chopping each vegetable and sautéing each mushroom. There is a man who sits outside of our local market with a sign asking for food. Franklin likes to give him an apple or some change as we pass by, but next week I think we will bring him a bag of food. I am much too blessed to not give it away.

Today I am thankful to be able to buy enough healthy food for my family.

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