Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Days 19, 20,21, and 22 of Thankfulness: The L.A. Freeway

Wow.  The last few days have been a whirlwind of emotions.  Twisting and turning in every direction like the Los Angeles freeways.  They have been filled with sorrow, laughter, fear, and peacefulness, and have been busy.  Thank you for bearing with me as I have been gone from my “Days of Thankfulness.”  I will catch up on them now…

Day 19 (November 19, 2011)

Today I am thankful for my Uncle Dan.  Today I celebrated the life of my Uncle Dan Berry.  It had been a long time since I had seen him, too long, and now he is gone.  It was so strange looking at his slide show and remembering and mourning my sweet uncle that looks exactly like my dad.  Made me appreciate my dad a little more.  My Uncle Dan was many great things.  Famous softball coach, single father to his three teenage girls after my dear Auntie Ruthie passed away, older brother who took on the role as a father to his siblings, and my uncle.  One of my favorite memories of my uncle was his humor.  He had this way of teasing you that made you somehow feel better about yourself.  Like him making fun of you, meant he really loved you.  I miss that.  I will often look back on that and remember, and smile. 

Today I am thankful for my Uncle Dan. 

Day 20 (November 20, 2011)

Today I am thankful for Franklin’s health, and family support.  I have never felt fear the way I did tonight.  While visiting with my family in L.A. Franklin was enjoying playing with his cousins.  The best part of “cousin play” is that they tend to entertain themselves while us “big kids” can sit and chat with one another.  The scary part, however, is that anything can happen in an instant.   One moment Franklin was happily playing and the next he had fallen off the couch.  I went over to check on him and saw my sweet baby boy lying there.  Still.  Eyes closed.  I screamed and he woke up startled.  This lead to Franklin’s first trip to the ER.  Since my newborn, exclusively breastfed baby was already asleep; I had to stay behind while Nick, my cousin and my dad took my baby boy to the emergency room.  I frantically checked my phone every 10 seconds awaiting a message that my baby was all right.  He was.  He is happy. Healthy. Thriving.  He is fine. I am fine.  I am blessed.  I am so thankful Nick had my family there to be with him during this terrifying time. 

Today I am thankful for Franklin’s health, and family support. 

Day 21 (November 21, 2011)

Today I am thankful for some much-needed time with family.  Although my time in L.A. was an emotional roller coaster, it was good to be with family.  It was wonderful catching up with my Dad’s side of the family who I had not seen in over a decade, reminded me of my childhood, and reminded me of my grandmother who I miss dearly.   It was also great staying with my mom’s side of the family as it always is.  We played games, ate good food, and were just together.  My mom’s family, although a little loud and crazy, feels like home.  I had the privilege to grow up with my cousins.  In every way.  They were my childhood playmates, my best friends through adolescence, and continue to be my brothers and sisters through adult hood.  Some of us have moved away.  Some of us see each other much less often than I would like.  However, they are still my rock.  And for that, I am grateful. 

Today I am thankful for some much-needed time with family.  

Day 22 (November 22, 2011)

Today I am thankful for a day of rest.  After a very crazy couple of days, I am now home, and had a completely uneventful day.  And sometimes uneventful is everything one could hope for.  Uneventful is what I needed.  I even just made pancakes for dinner.  See? Simple.  Uneventful.   A day of rest.  A day to be thankful. 

Today I am thankful for a day of rest.

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